Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Blogging @ GetSkinHelp.com

Over the last couple of years I have had the pleasure of doing some work with the GetSkinHelp team, and I’m pleased to continue! Wrote a blog for them – click here to read:

What to Expect at the Dermatologist

GetSkinHelp is leading the charge when it comes to digitizing the complete patient circle-of-care.

Not only are they providing quality virtual services across Canada, but they are collaborating with government agencies and hospitals to bring their technology and services to more people.

GetSkinHelp found its footing amid the Spring 2020 lockdown, when Dr. Colin Hong saw a surge in people coming in for skin cancer. Teaming up with entrepreneur, Keith Loo, the two began planning how to help patients right from their own homes. From there, what started simply as an online skin cancer screening tool, has quickly amassed to become a company that covers a variety of skin conditions.

They are also working to demystify the Canadian healthcare sector, particularly as it relates to dermatology, chronic skin conditions, and skin cancers. They investigate how drugs are developed, how AI will affect healthcare, and the forces at play in society that affect our wellbeing.

Some of the challenging questions they investigate include:

Why are there so few Dermatologists in Canada?


How much do you think it costs to remove a melanoma?

I'm fascinated to learn the answers to these questions - much of it is news even to me!  So thanks for your great work GetSkinHelp, I look forward to continuing to support your initiatives.

To learn all about how the GetSkinHelp app works click here to go to their website.  They also have their informative discussions and interviews on their youTube channel, and their podcasts are on Spotify and iTunes